What is Neptra, and Why Might Your Vet Prescribe It?

What is Neptra, and Why Might Your Vet Prescribe It?

Pet owners are always concerned about the health and wellbeing of their beloved companions. One of the main challenges they face is understanding the various medications that their pets may need. One such medication is Neptra ear drops solution, a prescription-only veterinary medication. Here we intend to explore the product Neptra, and explain why a vet might prescribe it.

What is Neptra in Practice?

Neptra is the brand name of a prescription-only veterinary medicine used to treat dogs with an ear infection (medically called otitis externa). The formulation of Neptra ear drops contains three active ingredients: florfenicol, terbinafine and mometasone furoate. Each of these ingredients plays a crucial role in treating a common ear condition in dogs in which there is an overgrowth of the bacteria and fungi commonly found on the skin, causing infection and inflammation in the ear.

Florfenicol is an antibiotic (antibacterial) drug that combats bacteria contributing to ear disease. Terbinafine is an antifungal, used to address fungal infection that may be present. Lastly, mometasone furoate, a potent corticosteroid (‘steroid’), serves to reduce inflammation and associated discomfort.

When Will a Vet Prescriber Neptra?

A veterinarian may choose to prescribe Neptra as a treatment when dealing with cases of otitis externa in dogs. This condition, characterised by the inflammation of the external ear canal, is commonly the result of an underlying condition, such as allergy. The vet will aim to identify and address any underlying cause to ensure the treatment is effective and to prevent further episodes.

If your dog manifests symptoms indicative of otitis externa, such as noticeable ear redness, persistent itching, unusual ear discharge or a distinct odour, your vet might suspect the presence of this condition. Following a meticulous examination and potentially a series of diagnostic tests to confirm the diagnosis, your vet may decide to prescribe Neptra. As for any medical condition, the decision to do so will depend on multiple factors. These include the severity of the condition, your pet's overall health status, the type of bacteria causing infection and a careful evaluation of the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of the medication.

Why You Need a Prescription for Neptra

Neptra, as with many other veterinary medications, falls in the category of prescription-only drugs. The main reason for this is that the condition (otitis externa) for which the treatment is intended requires a veterinary diagnosis. There is also a potential for the product to  lead to serious side effects if used incorrectly or administered inappropriately.

To ensure the safety and health of your pet, it is crucial that Neptra is administered strictly under the professional guidance and supervision of a vet. Neptra is a single-dose treatment that is usually administered by the vet in the veterinary practice. Secondly, the unsupervised usage of prescription-only medications can contribute to misuse, which could potentially lead to the development of antibiotic resistance, a serious global health concern. Therefore, a prescription is not just a regulatory requirement, but also a measure to safeguard the health of your pet and the larger community.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Neptra

While Neptra can be extremely effective in treating otitis externa, like all medicines it can cause side effects, although these are very rare. For instance, redness and inflammation at the application site have been reported very rarely. If you notice any adverse reactions in your pet, you should contact your vet.


Understanding the medications that your pet may need can be a daunting task. But armed with accurate information, you can confidently navigate your pet's health decisions. Neptra has proven to be an effective treatment for otitis externa in dogs, but, like all medications, it must be used under the responsibility of a vet's supervision. If you're ever unsure about your pet's medication, be sure to consult your vet.

Your vet remains your number one advisor regarding your pet's health, so never hesitate to ask questions. We hope this blog post has helped you understand more about Neptra and why it may be prescribed for your furry friend.

About Veterinary Prescriber

Veterinary Prescriber is an online independent source of information on veterinary medicines, aimed at veterinary professionals. We help veterinary professionals keep up to date by providing evidence-based, objective and comparative information on medicines that is not influenced by vested interests, such as pharmaceutical company advertising. We have compared Neptra with other treatment options for otitis externa in the CPD module Antimicrobial Ear Products for Dogs that is available through Veterinary Prescriber’s Virtual Veterinary Medicines Academy.