Introductory Certificate in Veterinary Medicines

A woman peeping through her hand, with text to the left reading "Everything you needed to know about veterinary medicines"

The Introductory Certificate in veterinary medicines is a general introduction providing essential knowledge about veterinary medicines. It is a series of three must do! modules for anyone in the practice who has any dealings with medicines. It is made up of one unit:

  • Making sense of medicines

    Roles and responsibilities

    Where to find the medicines information you need

How long does it take? The Introductory Certificate takes around 90 minutes (1.5 hours) to complete.

What will the practice and individual gain? The Introductory Certificate ensures everyone in the team knows how to handle medicines legally. On completion of the Unit (consisting of three modules) the participant will receive a printed certificate and the associated badge to identify the achievement. The Certificate can contribute to the individual’s CPD. There is a charge of £10 (+ vat) for each participant pursuing the Introductory Certificate in Veterinary Medicines. A practice subscription to Veterinary Prescriber is required.