Photo of dogs and cats in bandages and cats sat on chairs waiting to see the veterinarian

Creating a practice parasiticide policy

The following are suggested practice activities that can help you create a practice parasiticide policy.

  1. Update your knowledge of parasite risks and treatments. Individuals or small groups in the practice could research and present a 5-minute summary on a parasite (e.g. roundworm, ticks). Include a brief outline of the lifecycle, risk factors, disease signs and treatments. Use modules 1 to 5 of the parasiticides series (links below) to help you. Each individual or group to choose their preferred treatment for the practice policy and explain the rationale for their choice.

  2. Information collection. As a practice, decide what information on parasite risk and lifestyle needs to be collected and how this will be done.

  3. Audit of parasite diseases in the practice. Look at case studies of pets from the practice that have suffered from preventable morbidity due to parasite infection and produce an owner-facing report on the disease and how to prevent it.

  4. Understand client perspectives. Invite 20 top clients for a small focus group meeting to share experiences of using parasiticide products in cats and dogs.

  5. Define typical pet ‘profiles’, their parasite risks and potential products. For example:

  • indoor cat that goes to a cattery

  • ‘hunting & eating’ cat

  • breeding queen

  • working terrier

  • long-haired dog bathed weekly and fed on a raw meat-based diet, with small children in the household

  • swimming Labrador exercised in woods and fields

  • breeding bitch

  • recently imported ‘rescue’ dog from Cyprus.

This page is part of our Parasiticides for cats and dogs: a rational approach. A six module series covering every aspect of parasiticides including creating a practice parasiticide. To see the series and use our unique Parasiticide Guide use the button below to subscribe.