A Vet’s Opinion: How Much Paracetamol Can You Give a Dog?

A Vet’s Opinion: How Much Paracetamol Can You Give a Dog?

Paracetamol is a household analgesic medication, but how much paracetamol can you give a dog? This question often strikes the minds of pet owners when they see their canine companions in discomfort. In this blog, we will explore how a safe paracetamol dosage is determined, and why human paracetamol sometimes gets prescribed to dogs.

How Much Paracetamol Can You Give a Dog?

When a vet needs to calculate an appropriate paracetamol dose, they start with the dog's body weight - which is where most online paracetamol for dogs calculators start and end. However, the dosage is further refined considering various elements such as your dog's age, overall health, and the severity of the pain or discomfort they're experiencing.

Your vet will also take into consideration any underlying conditions your dog may have, such as liver disease. There are several conditions that can amplify the risks associated with paracetamol, potentially making it harmful for your dog.

While there is a product containing paracetamol designed for canine consumption on the UK market - Pardale V, a product that contains paracetamol together with codeine - a vet might consider it unsuitable for a particular animal. In certain circumstances a vet might decide to prescribe a human paracetamol formulation. You should never give human paracetamol to a dog without a vet’s advice. So if you're wondering, "how much paracetamol can you give a dog?" - the answer is not so simple.

The Risks of Paracetamol Overdose in Dogs

Paracetamol toxicity, for example due to administration of human products to animals by their owners or accidental ingestion can lead to signs ranging from sedation alone to severe signs that include sedation, abdominal discomfort, vomiting and diarrhoea and convulsions and death. Therefore, it's imperative to follow your vet's prescription meticulously.

Always Consult Your Vet

Witnessing our beloved pets in pain can of course be upsetting, but deciding to administer medication on your own could potentially exacerbate the situation. If you believe your canine companion is suffering, you should be seeking advice from your veterinarian before giving your dog anything yourself. They have the knowledge and resources to evaluate your pet's condition, assess the degree of pain and its cause, conduct the required examinations, and determine the suitable dosage of any necessary pain relief medication.

The Veterinary Cascade

The Veterinary Cascade allows vets to prescribe certain human medications when no authorised veterinary alternative is available, under very specific circumstances. Paracetamol can fall under this category. But remember, the key word here is ‘prescribed’ - you should never administer human medication to your pets without your vet's advice.

What If Your Dog Accidentally Ingests Paracetamol?

If you suspect your dog has accidentally ingested paracetamol, you must contact your vet immediately.

So, How Much Paracetamol Can You Give a Dog?

While it's true that under the Veterinary Cascade, human medicines including paracetamol can be prescribed to pets, it should always be done under professional supervision. So, if you've found yourself wondering how much paracetamol can you give a dog?, always remember the answer lies with your vet.

Going by the book and following vet prescriptions not only ensures your pet's safety but also promotes their overall well-being. Let's be our dogs' best advocates by making informed decisions in consultation with veterinary professionals.