Everything You Need to Know about Pardale V

Everything You Need to Know about Pardale V

As a dedicated pet owner, it's crucial for you to understand the medications prescribed for your dog. One confusing one that often comes up is Pardale V, as it's formulated for dogs specifically. Understanding what the drug is, why vets prescribe it, and the potential side effects can help you make more informed decisions about your pet's health.

Why is Pardale V Prescribed?

Pardale V is a compound analgesic, which means it contains more than one ingredient that helps to reduce pain. Specifically, Pardale-V is the product brand name for tablets made of a combination of paracetamol and codeine, designed specifically for pain relief in dogs.

Veterinarians commonly prescribe Pardale V for dogs experiencing acute pain, generally due to injury, surgery or other minor trauma. However, it's important to note that Pardale should always be used under veterinary supervision. Pardale is categorised as a POM-V medicine in the UK meaning it's a prescription-only drug. Though there are many sites offering delivery, they need to see your written veterinary prescription before they can let you order from them.

Potential Side Effects of Pardale V

Like all medicines, Pardale V can cause adverse reactions. Reported effects include vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy, although these are rare. If you notice any changes in your dog while on  Pardale V, tell your vet.

The Importance of Dosage

Dosage is another critical aspect when it comes to administering Pardale V. Ensure you read the label and package leaflet carefully, and stick to your vet's instructions when it comes to dosage. Overdosing can lead to serious health issues like liver damage or even prove fatal. If you suspect an overdose, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Contraindications and Cautions

Due to its ingredients, Pardale V should not be given to an animal with any of these pre-existing conditions:

  • Known allergies/hypersensitivity to paracetamol or codeine

  • Heart, liver or kidney disease

  • Risk of gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding

If any of these are true for your dog, it's crucial that your veterinarian is informed as these can cause complications. Pregnant and nursing dogs should only be given Pardale under veterinary guidance. You can read more details about Pardale in the NOAH Compendium or the VMD’s Product Information Database.

Final Thoughts on Pardale V

Pardale can be an effective tool in managing your pet's pain when used correctly. However, it's crucial to understand which medicinal products your pet is taking, and be fully informed on potential risks. For more information you can read our guide to Pardale dosage, or learn more about the Pardale tablets themselves.